幾近全新, 未使用; 內無畫線亦無筆記 2010年版;
Here is Mukherji's website: http://www342.pair.com/mukherji/anjan/index.htm
Section I. 1.: Introduction (The Objective); 2.: Basic Mathematical Logic; 3.: Set Theory; 4.: Functions of a Single Variable; 5.: Economic Applications I: Choice, Utility, and Aggregation; Further Readings for Section I;
Section II. 6.: Introduction (Objective of Section II); 7.: Real Linear Algebra; 8.: Functions of Several Variables; 9.: Static Optimization; 10.: Economic Applications II: Demand and Supply; 11.: Decision-Making under Alternative Scenarios; Further Readings for Section II;
Section III. 12.: Introduction (Objective and Tools); 13.: . Dynamical Systems; 14.: Dynamic Optimization; 15.: Economic Applications III: Economic Dynamics; Further Readings for Section III; References.
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