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 | Introduction to Operations Research 9/e | 9780071267670 | Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman | McGraw-Hill Higher Education | 100 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/2/15 | 出售中 |
 | INTRODUCTION TO ERGONOMICS 3/e | 9780849373060 | BRIDGER | Taylor | 100 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/2/15 | 出售中 |
無圖 | Investments (Annotated Edition)10版 | 9789863411284 | Alan J. Marcus,Alex Kane,Zvi Bodie | 華泰文化 | 800 | 王禹 | 2023/4/10 | 出售中 |
 | Interchange Level 3: Student's Book (5 Ed.) | 9781316620519 | Jack C. Richards/ Jonathan Hull/ Susan Proctor | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | 440 | mei0116 | 2022/5/27 | 出售中 |
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 | Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials sixth edition | 9781498757003 | David R. Gaskell | Taylor and Francis Group | 400 | Debby lin | 2020/9/22 | 已售出 |
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 | Introduction to Physical Therapy 4th Edition | 9780323073950 | Michael A. Pagliarulo | Elsevier Science Health Science | 1900 | KK | 2018/11/15 | 出售中 |