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 | Nebels Methods Stndards And Work Design 12Ed (Ie) | 0071270299 | Andris Freivalds | Mcgraw Hill Higher Education | 100 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/2/15 | 出售中 |
 | NEW English for Life and Work BOOK 3 | 9789865965686 | 空中美語 | 空中美語 | 300 | 阿呆 | 2019/9/24 | 出售中 |
 | NEW Reading and Vocabulary Development 2 | 9789865840563 | CENGAGE Learning | CENGAGE Learning | 300 | 阿呆 | 2019/9/24 | 出售中 |
 | Nursing theorists and their work | 9780323091947 | Martha Raile/ Tomey, Ann Marriner, Ph.D. | El | 2000 | 15號桑 | 2019/2/27 | 出售中 |
 | Network 2 GET CONNECTED | 9780194671590 | Tom Hutchinson、Kristin Sherman、Mike Boyle | Oxford University Press | 369 | chia1030 | 2018/9/6 | 出售中 |
 | Netter's 人體解剖學圖譜:Atlas of Human Anatomy 4th Edition | 9789866538476 | NETTER | ELSEVIER | 800 | 晴小妹 | 2018/8/8 | 已售出 |
 | Northstar 1 Reading&writing e3 | 9780133382150 | Beaumont Yancey | Pearson | 720 | 郭郭肉 | 2018/4/19 | 出售中 |
 | Nutrition: Science And Applications | 470002034 | Smolin .Grosvenor | Saunders college publishing | 300 | 陳天天 | 2018/3/15 | 出售中 |
 | NorthStar: Reading and Writing Level 4, Third Edition | 9780136133186 | Andrew K. English, Laura Monahon English | Pearson longman | 350 | nanahey | 2017/7/31 | 出售中 |
 | NorthStar reading and writing (intermediate) (2/e) | 0201755718 | Frances Boyd,Carol Numrich | Longman | 1 | Linda | 2017/3/12 | 出售中 |
無圖 | Nursing theorists and their work | 9780323091947 | Martha Raile/ Tomey, Ann Marriner, Ph.D. | El | 2000 | Alice | 2016/11/5 | 已售出 |
 | Niebel's Methods, Standards, & Work Design 12/e | 9780071283229 | Niebel/ Freivalds | MCGRAW-HILL,INC | 400 | Sherry801220 | 2016/10/25 | 出售中 |
 | New Password 5: A Reading and Vocabulary Text | 9780137011728 | Lynn Bonesteel | Pearson Longman | 300 | katelyn | 2016/9/3 | 出售中 |
 | Nurses and Families: A Guide to Family Assessment and Intervention | 9780803627390 | Lorraine M. Wright RN PhD (Author), Maureen Leahey RN PhD (Author) | F A Davis Co | 800 | wawa | 2016/7/18 | 已售出 |
 | New century readings Book 2 | 9578378572 | Ken Methold, Heather Jones | The Crane Publishing 文鶴出版有限公司 | 80 | Ab | 2016/5/27 | 出售中 |
 | No Talking In Class 3 | 9572800965 | David Wright/ Lovely Ko-Alagata | 空中英語教室叢書系列 | 150 | Pari | 2015/9/8 | 已售出 |
 | Notting Hill 新娘百分百 | 1405802030 | Richard Curits | Penguin Readers | 70 | 李衣 | 2015/7/2 | 已售出 |
 | NEW Century Readings New Edition Level 4 | 9861470158 | Ken Methold, Heather Jones | 文鶴出版有限公司 | 60 | Ab | 2015/5/15 | 已售出 |
 | NorthStar: Reading and Writing Level 4, Third Edition | 9780136133186 | Andrew K. English, Laura Monahon English | Pearson longman | 150 | Ab | 2015/4/26 | 出售中 |
 | New Password 5: A Reading and Vocabulary Text | 9780137011728 | Lynn Bonesteel | Pearson Longman | 300 | katelyn | 2015/3/12 | 已售出 |