照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態 (依此欄排序) |
 | Operating System Concepts | 0471262722 | James L. Peterson,Abraham Silberschatz | John Wiley | 150 | Lien Kuo-ting | 2025/1/20 | 出售中 |
 | Operations and Supply Management, 12/e(導讀本) 附光碟 | 9789861575742 | F. Robert Jacobs、Richard Chase、徐淑如導讀 | 滄海 | 50 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/2/15 | 出售中 |
 | Oxford IB Diploma Programme English B 2nd Edition | 9780198422327 | Kawther Saa'd AIDin; Kevin Morley | OXFORD | 1200 | Stella CS | 2022/10/14 | 出售中 |
 | Operations and Supply Management: The Core | 9780070172265 | Richard Chase | McGraw Hill Higher Education | 590 | yaaa | 2021/2/6 | 出售中 |
 | Organizational Behavior 15/e | 9780273765295 | Stephen P .Robbins , Timothy A. Judge | Pearson | 590 | yaaa | 2021/2/6 | 出售中 |
 | Oxford Discover Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 | 9780194278553 | Lesley Koustaff & Susan Rivers | Oxford | 400 | 法莉柏 | 2020/7/23 | 出售中 |
無圖 | Operations Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases | 0071121277 | Roger G. Schoeder | McGraw-Hill Education | 160 | trjanet | 2020/2/17 | 出售中 |
 | Organic Chemistry | 0801674905 | George H. Schmid | Mosby-Year Book, 1996 | 120 | JustineWang | 2019/8/28 | 出售中 |
 | Outstanding(Achieving Excellence in English) STUDENT'S BOOK 2 | 9789864410989 | Andrey Dubinsky,David Wdward Keane,Mike Corsini,Patrick Cowsill | LiveABC | 300 | 短耳 | 2019/3/17 | 出售中 |
 | Operating System Concepts, 8/e(國際版) | 9780470233993 | Abraham Silberschatz | John Wiley | 600 | Acmors | 2019/3/17 | 已售出 |
 | Operations Management | 9781292093864 | Lee J. Krajewski 、 Manoj K. Malhotra | Pearson(Asia) | 500 | yijia | 2019/2/21 | 已售出 |
 | Outstanding(Achieving Excellence in English) STUDENT'S BOOK 2 | 9789864410989 | Andrey Dubinsky,David Wdward Keane,Mike Corsini,Patrick Cowsill | LiveABC | 250 | 短耳 | 2018/11/10 | 已售出 |
 | Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation | 0803617046 | Catana Brown & Virginia C. Stoffel | F.A. Davis | 800 | 晴小妹 | 2018/8/8 | 已售出 |
 | Operations Management for Competitive Advantage with Global Cases 11/e | 0071115528 | Richard B Chase, F. Robert Jacobs, Nicholas J Aquilano | McGraw-Hill | 390 | I.F. | 2018/3/28 | 出售中 |
 | Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms | 0534423620 | Wayne L. Winston | Baker | 400 | jojolin | 2018/2/16 | 已售出 |
 | Organic Chemistry | 9780471756149 | David Klein | WILEY | 500 | 陳釜 | 2017/10/2 | 出售中 |
 | Organic Chemistry | 9780471756149 | David Klein | WILEY | 500 | 陳釜 | 2017/9/18 | 出售中 |
 | Organic Chemistry | 9780471756149 | David Klein | WILEY | 500 | 陳釜 | 2017/9/11 | 已售出 |
 | Organic Chemistry | 9780471756149 | David Klein | WILEY | 500 | 陳釜 | 2017/7/17 | 已售出 |
 | Organic Chemistry | 9780471756149 | David Klein | WILEY | 500 | 陳釜 | 2017/7/6 | 已售出 |