書本編號 |
:ISBN 0964629208 |
書名 |
: | The Stock Market and Finance: From a Physicist's Viewpoint |
作者 |
出版商 |
書本訂價 |
:2500元 |
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書本描述 |
本書為1995年之版本; 除內頁首頁有立可白塗痕外, 內實為全新未使用...無劃線亦無筆記.
"Dynamics of markets: the new financial economics"一書的作者Professor J.L.McCauley(October 21, 1999)對此書在AMAZON上的評論:
Careful empiricism instead of the usual 'econo-logic' "Osborne was a physicist who observed that stock prices appear to be distributed lognormally. Mandelbrot pointed out a year later (1963) that this can't be true, that price distributions look Paretian, have exponentially decaying tails with infinite standard deviation. However, no one has yet been able to turn Mandelbrot's observation about asymptotics of market prices into trading rules (what are the dynamics?). In contrast, the Black-Scholes model, the mathematics of derivatives and option-pricing, follows from the lognormal approximation (see Hull, e.g.). Traders who make money apparently don't use academic option pricing theory (it underprices out of the money trades), but texts and scads of academic papers are written using it because no one knows how to do anything else yet.
Lognormality is the last part of Osborne's book. The first chapters are even more interesting. There, Osborne tears the `mathemology' of Samuelson's Economics text to shreds by pointing out that the famous supply-demand curve can't be constructed from any sort of data. The main point is that price does not exist as a function of either supply or demand. Example: suppose that 25 tomatoes are available (supply). What's the price? Answer: anything or nothing (nonuniqueness). Even better, Osborne shows that one can obtain data on both supply and demand as a function of price, so that discrete (noncontinuous) supply and demand curves can be plotted for a given commodity in a given market. What a pity that Osborne did not set his mind to discussing `utility', because (as Mirowski points out in "More heat than light) the differential form that defines utility is generally nonintegrable, meaning that utility dooes not exist."
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