Christina 在布宜諾斯艾利斯的一家畫廊工作,有一天她在等紅綠燈時,不小心看到隔壁車子裡的兩個男人帶著槍,還有…。就在這個時候意外突然發生,她被一輛計程車撞上了!當她在醫院醒來時,她就喪失了對車禍及對那兩個神秘男子的一切記憶。但是那兩個男人還是擔心有一天她的記憶回恢復,所以他們決定要讓她永遠也想不起來…。
Modern, original fiction for learners of English. Christina, who works in an art gallery in Buenos Aires is waiting at the traffic lights on her motorbike. She notices two men with a gun in the car next to her. Seconds later she is hit by a taxi, and wakes up in hospital with no memory of the accident or the two men. However, the men are afraid of what might happen if her memory returns and plan to make sure it never does.