此套書為原文進口兒童繪本,內容保存十分良好 24本內容分別為: 1. Pyramids were built 2. Kangaroos have pouches 3. Vultures are bald 4. The telephone rings 5. Stars twinkle 6. Greeks built temples 7. Flutes have holes 8. The sun rises 9. Planes has wings 10. The sea is salty 11. Camels have Humps 12. Trees have leaves 13. Romans wore togas 14. Spiders spin webs 15. The wind blows 16. My tummy rumbles 17. Snake shed their skin 18. Soap makes bubbles 19. Triceratops had horns 20. Castle had moats 21. Zips have teeth 22. Tunnels are wound 23. Countries fly flags 24. The dodo is dead