所以我並不愛妳。 (Written by jht)
書的香氣是耐人尋味,你、我相遇在二手書 店....& |
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搜尋作者:李茂興 / Stephen P. Robbins
| 照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態![](images/sdown.gif) (依此欄排序) | ![border='0'](pic/product/20251411532.jpg) | Canadian Writer’s Workplace 8/e | 9780176795191 | N/A | N/A | 500 | 斷捨離 | 2025/1/4 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202514115346.jpg) | Advanced Reading Power 4 2/e | 9780133047172 | N/A | N/A | 350 | 斷捨離 | 2025/1/4 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202514115420.jpg) | Pathways 3: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking | 9781285159768 | N/A | N/A | 500 | 斷捨離 | 2025/1/4 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20251412142.jpg) | 加拿大 | 9789862892770 | N/A | N/A | 260 | 斷捨離 | 2025/1/4 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20251412956.jpg) | Linguistic for non-linguists 5/e | 9789814576369 | Frank Parker/Kathryn Riley | Pearson Education | 460 | 斷捨離 | 2025/1/4 | 出售中 | 無圖 | The Speed of Trust | 9781416549000 | Stephen M.R. Covey with Rebecca R. Merrill | Free Press | 300 | booksinger | 2024/9/6 | 出售中 | 無圖 | 職能治療導論 第四版 | 9789866052460 | Jane Clifford O'Brien, Susan M. Hussey; 陳瓊玲 審閱/翻譯 | Elsevier | 300 | booksinger | 2024/9/6 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010123114614.jpg) | 工程數學第二版 | 9789861572581 | 許世壁/ 邱創雄 | 麥格羅.希爾國際出版公司 | 100 | 小波 | 2024/7/26 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20177118284.jpg) | Fundamentals of Management: Management Myths Debunked | 9781292146942 | Stephen P. Robbins | PEARSON | 899 | uhuangjack | 2024/7/11 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010921111237.jpg) | Microelectronic Circuits 5/E (P)(with CD-R) (IE) | 9780195142525 | Sedra A.S./ Smith K.C. | oxford | 465 | 超便宜 | 2024/7/7 | 出售中 | 廣告 |
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