所以我並不愛妳。 (Written by jht)
書的香氣是耐人尋味,你、我相遇在二手書 店....& |
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搜尋作者:George Argyrous原著 史麗珠、林莉華編譯
| 照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態![](images/sdown.gif) (依此欄排序) | 無圖 | Differential Equations With Applications And Historical Notes | 0071128077 | George F. Simmons | McGRAW-HILL | 150 | sharefun | 2023/5/17 | 出售中 | 無圖 | Differential Equations With Applications And Historical Notes | 0071128077 | George F. Simmons | McGRAW-HILL | 150 | sharefun | 2023/5/17 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202171161947.jpg) | Introduction to Sociology | 9781412977708 | George Ritzer | SAGE | 700 | chriswmc | 2021/7/1 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201171513449.jpg) | Applied Statistics | 9780470505786 | Douglas C. Montgomery George C.Runger | 高立 | 300 | kittylai | 2021/4/9 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202126163758.jpg) | Contemporary Management | 9780071220934 | Jones George | McGraw-Hill/Irwin | 790 | yaaa | 2021/2/6 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/200961119289.jpg) | 瞭解生物科技 | 9867491211 | 原著George Acquaah, 徐泰浩等譯 | 培生教育出版集團 | 200 | citybear | 2021/1/30 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202055213146.jpg) | Mechanical Metallurgy | 0071004068 | George E. Dieter | Mc Graw Hill | 500 | YehWei | 2020/5/5 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201982803428.jpg) | Organic Chemistry | 0801674905 | George H. Schmid | Mosby-Year Book, 1996 | 120 | JustineWang | 2019/8/28 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2019827234044.jpg) | Biology, Fourth Edition | 0697225704 | Raven, Peter H., Raven & Johnson, Johnson, George B. | William C Brown Pub (1996) | 330 | JustineWang | 2019/8/27 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201982722329.jpg) | Essentials of Molecular Biology. 3rd ed. | 0867208600 | Malacinski, George; Freifelder, David | Jones & Bartlett Pub, 1998 | 100 | JustineWang | 2019/8/27 | 出售中 | 廣告 |
| 無圖 | 管理資訊系統概論 | 9789861577340 | James A.O'Brien,George M.Marakas | 美商麥格爾·希爾國際股份有限公司 台灣分公司 | 200 | 淳淳 | 2018/8/18 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2009911172842.jpg) | The Study of Language | 9780521543200 | George Yule | Cambridge | 300 | Hsuan | 2018/6/3 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201844223420.jpg) | Essentials Of Molecular Biology | 9780763740115 | George M. Malacinski | N/A | 500 | Butin | 2018/4/4 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20089231150.jpg) | Calculus 11/e (微積分原文書) | 0321243358 | Thomas George B. | addison wesley (新月代理) | 450 | Iren | 2017/12/30 | 出售中 | 無圖 | 機構學 第二版 | 9789864127702 | George H.Martin | 高立圖書 | 200 | 寶寶科學 | 2017/9/23 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2012623141631.jpg) | Thomas Calculus | 9780321643636 | George B. Thomas | Pearson Education | 800 | Dale | 2017/9/5 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201738233118.jpg) | 管理資訊系統 第十版 | 9789861579023 | 董和昇 譯 / James A. O'Brien, George M. Marakas | 滄海圖書 | 250 | Phoebe | 2017/3/8 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20171261253.jpg) | The Study of Language | 9781107441163 | George Yule | Cambridge University Press | 300 | Helen Lin | 2017/1/26 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2011516221231.jpg) | Essentials of The Living Word 2Ed | 9780071102117 | George Johnson,Jonathan Losos | McGRAW HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 190 | 奔奔 | 2017/1/25 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/200961119289.jpg) | 瞭解生物科技 | 9867491211 | 原著George Acquaah, 徐泰浩等譯 | 培生教育出版集團 | 120 | 小馥 | 2017/1/15 | 出售中 | |