照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態 (依此欄排序) |
| Inspire 2 | 9781133963646 | Pamela Hartmann/Nancy Douglas/Andrew Boon | Cengage Learning | 255 | uhuangjack | 2020/3/5 | 出售中 |
| Queueing networks and Markov Chains | 9780471193661 | Gunter Bolch, Stefan Greiner, Hermann de Meer, Kishor S. Trivedi | Wiley-Interscience | 300 | ermai | 2019/8/11 | 出售中 |
| Calculus | 9780071317979 | Hoffmann Bradley Sobecki Price | Mcgreaw-Hill International Edition | 650 | SUJI | 2018/7/30 | 出售中 |
| Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences(九版) | 9780071108188 | Hoffmann | McGraw-Hill | 450 | sylvia | 2018/4/29 | 出售中 |
| Calculus for Business,Ecobomics,and the Social and Life Sciences | 9780071106818 | Hoffmann | McGRAW‧HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 400 | windy | 2018/4/19 | 出售中 |
| 商用微積分 第十版 | 9789861577258 | Laurence D. Hoffmann, Gerald L.Bradley | 東華 | 200 | 陳釜 | 2017/7/6 | 出售中 |
| Mosaic 1 Reading 5/e | 9780071258425 | Wegmann | McGraw-Hill | 150 | 小馥 | 2017/1/15 | 出售中 |
| Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences 10/e | 9780070182820 | Laurence D. Hoffmann,Gerald L. Bradley | McGraw-Hill | 600 | Mr.曾 | 2016/4/17 | 出售中 |
| Interactions 1 6/e Reading|附MP3光碟 | 9781259070327 | Elaine Kirn/ Pamela Hartmann | Mc Graw Hill | 200 | zoezoe | 2016/3/8 | 出售中 |
| 商用微積分 第十版 | 9789861577258 | Laurence D. Hoffmann, Gerald L.Bradley | 東華 | 280 | liao1234 | 2015/9/15 | 出售中 |
廣告 |
| Interactions2 Reading (silver edition) | 9780071258289 | Elaine Kirn, Pamela Hartmann | Mc Graw Hill | 99 | IrisHuang | 2015/7/21 | 出售中 |
| 會騙人的數字-統計學的迷思 | 9789861214627 | Hans-Hermann Dubben、Hans-Peter Beck-Bornholdt | 書泉 | 100 | stringini | 2015/6/14 | 出售中 |
| 商用微積分 第十版 | 9789861577258 | Laurence D. Hoffmann, Gerald L.Bradley | 東華 | 230 | 洛甯 | 2015/3/11 | 出售中 |
| 《公共領域的規劃:從知識到行動》Planning in the public domain : from knowledge to action | 0691022682 | Friedmann,, John. | Princeton University Press | 1000 | jacky li | 2014/11/15 | 出售中 |
| Success with Reading1second edition | 9789861840963 | Gregory John Bahlmann | 寂天 | 150 | CHI奇 | 2014/9/10 | 出售中 |
| Interactions2 Reading (silver edition) | 9780071258289 | Elaine Kirn, Pamela Hartmann | Mc Graw Hill | 200 | hsinyu | 2014/9/5 | 出售中 |
| INTRODUCTORY statistics(統計學) | 9780470505830 | Prem S.Mann | wiley | 450 | Claire | 2014/2/20 | 出售中 |
| CALCULUS | 9780071288903 | Hoffmann Bradley | Tenth Edition | 580 | 戀熙 | 2014/2/8 | 出售中 |
| 愛情作為激情:論親密性的符碼化 | 9789571164465 | 魯曼 Niklas Luhmann | 五南 | 300 | Kao | 2013/10/29 | 出售中 |
無圖 | APPLIED CALCULUS | 9780070182820 | Hoffmann Bradley | Tenth Edition | 500 | Ian | 2013/9/30 | 出售中 |