所以我並不愛妳。 (Written by jht)
書的香氣是耐人尋味,你、我相遇在二手書 店....& |
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搜尋作者:McCarthy, Michael/ O’Dell, Felicity
| 照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態![](images/sdown.gif) (依此欄排序) | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010331224638.jpg) | English Collocations in Use | 0521603781 | McCarthy, Michael/ O’Dell, Felicity | Cambridge Univ Pr | 280 | Mag | 2017/1/24 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2016921211350.jpg) | English Collocations in Use Intermediate | 9780521603782 | MCCARTHY, MICHAEL/ O'DELL, FELICITY | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | 450 | Phoebe | 2016/9/21 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2016210173415.jpg) | English Collocations in Use | 9780521603782 | MCCARTHY, MICHAEL/ O'DELL, FELICITY | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | 200 | HL | 2016/2/10 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201598234411.jpg) | English Vocabulary in Use(Upper-Intermediate) | 0521664357 | Michael McCarthy/Felicity O'Dell | Cambridge University Press | 440 | Pari | 2015/9/8 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2015711175835.jpg) | Business Advantage: Upper-intermediate | 9780521132176 | Handford, Michael/ Lisboa, Martin/ Koester, Almut/ Pitt, Angela | Cambridge University Press (華泰總代理) | 500 | 江尹湛 | 2015/7/11 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2012927145932.jpg) | Touchstone Student's Book 1B (+CD-R) | 9780521601313 | McCarthy, Michael/ McCarten, Jeanne/ Sandiford, Helen | Cambridge Univ Pr | 200 | Ashley | 2012/9/27 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2012626232824.jpg) | English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate | 0521423961 | McCarthy, Michael; O'Dell, Felicity | Cambridge University Press | 200 | mikemao | 2012/6/26 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010106223028.jpg) | 行銷學 | 9578355556 | McCarthy, Perreault 原著 *余佩珊 譯 | 滄海書局 | 110 | 橘子 | 2010/10/6 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2012913163415.jpg) | Touchstone 1B | 9780521757867 | McCarthy, Michael/ McCarten, Jeanne/ Sandiford, Helen | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | 300 | Wennie10 | 2016/10/5 | 已下架 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010106223028.jpg) | 行銷學~買五送一 | 9578355556 | McCarthy, Perreault 原著 *余佩珊 譯 | 滄海書局 | 10 | 小五 | 2013/11/5 | 已下架 | 廣告 |
| ![border='0'](pic/product/2012921233631.jpg) | Touchstone: Student's Book 2 | 9780521666053 | McCarthy, Michael J./ McCarten, Jeanne/ Sandiford, Helen | CAMBRIDGE | 300 | 周周 | 2012/9/21 | 已下架 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010123141215.jpg) | Touchstone: Level 3 Student’s Book | 0521665995 | McCarthy, Michael | Cambridge University Press | 250 | hj1831 | 2010/12/10 | 已下架 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201012216100.jpg) | Touchstone 2 Student's Book A with Audio CD/CD-ROM | 9780521601351 | Michael J. McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten, Helen Sandiford | Cambridge University Press | 155 | hj1831 | 2010/12/2 | 已下架 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010112915658.jpg) | Touchstone 2 Student's Book B with Audio CD/CD-ROM | 9780521601368 | Michael J. McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten, Helen Sandiford | Cambridge University Press | 250 | hj1831 | 2010/11/29 | 已下架 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2010331224638.jpg) | English Collocations in Use | 0521603781 | McCarthy, Michael/ O’Dell, Felicity | Cambridge Univ Pr | 540 | kenny | 2010/3/31 | 已下架 | ![border='0'](pic/product/200843231125.jpg) | 【極新含郵】TOUCHSTONE Student's Book 1│六成新 | 0521666112 | Michael J. McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten, Helen Sandiford | CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | 200 | 草小莓 | 2008/4/3 | 已下架 | |