所以,是的。我愛你... (Written by 輕舞飛揚)
書的香氣是耐人尋味,你、我相遇在二手書 店....& |
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搜尋作者:Robert M. Grant 著(劉恆逸 譯)
| 照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態![](images/sdown.gif) (依此欄排序) | 無圖 | The Speed of Trust | 9781416549000 | Stephen M.R. Covey with Rebecca R. Merrill | Free Press | 300 | booksinger | 2024/9/6 | 出售中 | 無圖 | 職能治療導論 第四版 | 9789866052460 | Jane Clifford O'Brien, Susan M. Hussey; 陳瓊玲 審閱/翻譯 | Elsevier | 300 | booksinger | 2024/9/6 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202471115931.jpg) | Well Said 4 Edition | 9781305641365 | Linda Grant | Cengage Learning | 598 | uhuangjack | 2024/7/11 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2011715103717.jpg) | Operations and Supply Management, 12/e(導讀本) 附光碟 | 9789861575742 | F. Robert Jacobs、Richard Chase、徐淑如導讀 | 滄海 | 50 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/2/15 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20121018171754.jpg) | Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 4/e | 9780123704832 | SGELDON M. ROSS | ACADEMIC PRESS | 100 | 劉飛飛 | 2024/2/15 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2014311214253.jpg) | 語文學新引 | 9814033189 | Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman | 文鶴 | 250 | 賴小姐 | 2024/1/29 | 出售中 | 無圖 | 現代希臘史 希臘專家寫給所有人的國家傳記 Greece: Biograpy of a Modern Narion | 9789860734621 | Roderick Beaton 羅德里克.比頓 (嚴麗娟譯) | 商周出版 | 220 | Pana | 2023/10/26 | 出售中 | 無圖 | Contemporary Strategy Analysis/9 th edition | 9781119120841 | Robert M. Grant | Wiley | 1000 | Chien-Ying | 2023/8/29 | 出售中 | 無圖 | Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics | 9789865632717 | Debora M. Katz | Cengage Learning | 700 | Chien-Ying | 2023/8/29 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2011225145621.jpg) | New TOEIC Test金色證書: 字彙 (附MP3) | 9789575323516 | Jeffery M. Bruce / 赤井田拓彌 | 眾文圖書股份有限公司 | 100 | Chien-Ying | 2023/8/29 | 出售中 | 廣告 |
| ![border='0'](pic/product/201191810417.jpg) | Concept of Programming Languages 6ed - international edition | 0321204581 | Robert W. Sebesta | Addison Wesley | 350 | 龍1 | 2023/6/10 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20106602618.jpg) | C++ How to program Fifth edition | 0131971093 | H. M. Deitel | Deitel | 150 | sharefun | 2023/5/17 | 出售中 | 無圖 | 行銷通路策略8版 | 9789869290357 | Robert W palmatier | 華泰文化 | 400 | 羅捷 | 2023/3/13 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202323233210.jpg) | First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS. 5th edition | 9781260288186 | Le, Tao, M.D./ Bhushan, Vikas, M.D./ Lee, Kachiu C., M.D./ Deol, Maniver, M.D. | McGraw-Hill Education / Medical | 350 | alisnoopy | 2023/2/3 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/202319174359.jpg) | Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering(second edition) | 0534492940 | Das Braja M. | CL Engineering | 1000 | LYZ | 2023/1/9 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20121023214621.jpg) | AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE (seventh edition) | 015508481X | Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams | THOMSON WADSWORTH | 200 | 阿嗝 | 2022/12/31 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/201452516508.jpg) | Robbins and Contran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8/e | 9780808924029 | Kumar, Vinay/ Abbas, Abul K./ Fausto, Nelson/ Aster, Jon C., M.D., Ph.D. | Elsevier Science Health Science div | 1000 | glwu333 | 2022/12/24 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2022101123959.jpg) | 偉大的追尋:經濟學天才與他們的時代 2013 | 9789571357324 | Sylvia Nasar (張美惠譯) | 時報 | 415 | DylanS | 2022/10/11 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/20221093316.gif) | (含運NT255) 大科學 : 解析群眾行為、金融風暴、流行病毒、戰爭衝突背後的共通脈絡 | 9789862167663 | Neil Johnson (林俊宏譯) | 天下遠見 | 255 | DylanS | 2022/10/9 | 出售中 | ![border='0'](pic/product/2014427215219.jpg) | 語言學新引-Introduction to Language | 9572900722 | Victoria / Robert / Nina | 文鶴出版有限公司 | 300 | 愛蜜林 | 2022/2/21 | 出售中 | |