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無圖 | The Speed of Trust | 9781416549000 | Stephen M.R. Covey with Rebecca R. Merrill | Free Press | 300 | booksinger | 2024/9/6 | 出售中 |
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| 《Side by Side: Student Book 1, Third Edition | 0130267449 | Molinsky, Steven J./ Bliss, Bill/ Hill, Richard E. (ILT) | Prentice Hall | 138 | a0233033 | 2024/6/16 | 出售中 |
| Management: Global Edition, 11/e | 9780273752776 | Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter | Pearson | 250 | 皮爾 | 2023/11/3 | 出售中 |
| 財務會計IFRS第四版 (Weygandt: Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards, 4/e) | 9789867696236 | Jerry J. Weygandt , Paul D. Kimmel , Donald E. Kieso | CS滄海 | 680 | Angie | 2023/8/27 | 出售中 |
| Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment, 12/e | 9781260566390 | Ronald W. Hilton / David E. Platt | HWT華泰 | 450 | 路西法 | 2023/6/27 | 出售中 |
| Digital Image Processing | 0130946508 | Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods | Prentice Hall | 600 | 龍1 | 2023/6/10 | 出售中 |
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無圖 | 財務會計IFRS第四版 | 9789867696236 | Donald E.kieso | 鼎隆圖書股份有限公司 | 400 | 羅捷 | 2023/3/13 | 出售中 |
| Organic chemistry with biological applications 2nd edition | 9780495391470 | John E. McMurry | Brooks Cole | 150 | alisnoopy | 2023/2/3 | 出售中 |
廣告 |
| The Book of Questions and Answers | 1899762191 | de John O.E. Clark; etc.; Martin Camm; etc. | Horus Editions Ltd | 600 | LYZ | 2023/1/10 | 出售中 |
無圖 | Medical Physiology | 9780808924005 | John E. Hell | William Schmitt | 3000 | glwu333 | 2022/12/24 | 出售中 |
無圖 | Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers 2ND | 9780072922387 | Chapman, Stephen J.; Chapman, Stephen | Mcgraw-Hill College, 2003 | 1280 | 好書人 | 2022/5/18 | 出售中 |
| Essentials of Corporate Finance: 10/e | 9789861579825 | Stephen A. Ross | McGrawHill | 800 | Mermaid | 2022/1/16 | 出售中 |
| Financial Accounting ― Ifrs 3E | 9781118978085 | Jerry J. Weygandt; Paul D. Kimmel; Donald E. Kieso | John Wiley | 800 | chriswmc | 2021/7/1 | 出售中 |
| 原文書Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics, Richard E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke 熱力學 平裝本 | 0471737593 | Richard E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke | WILEY | 300 | kittylai | 2021/4/9 | 出售中 |
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| Organizational Behavior 15/e | 9780273765295 | Stephen P .Robbins , Timothy A. Judge | Pearson | 590 | yaaa | 2021/2/6 | 出售中 |
| Sensation and Perception, International Edition 9th Edition | 9781285085142 | E. Bruce Goldstein | Cengage Learning | 490 | yaaa | 2021/2/6 | 出售中 |