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 | The Book of Questions and Answers | 1899762191 | de John O.E. Clark; etc.; Martin Camm; etc. | Horus Editions Ltd | 600 | LYZ | 2023/1/10 | 出售中 |
 | An Introduction to Management Science 13版 | 9780538475655 | Anderson | International Edition | 200 | 妡妡 | 2021/1/16 | 出售中 |
 | Marketing Management 12e | 013196853x | Philip Kotler | Pearson International Edition | 600 | 小均魚 | 2020/2/8 | 出售中 |
 | Physics for Scientists | 9780131578494 | GIANCOLI | Pearon International Edition | 300 | 皓頵 | 2019/9/13 | 出售中 |
 | Approaches to Gene Mapping in Complex Human Diseases | 0471171956 | Jonathan L. Haines, Margaret A. Pericak-Vance | Wiley-Liss; 1 edition (October 8, 1998) | 160 | JustineWang | 2019/8/27 | 出售中 |
 | Foundations of music education | 0028700112 | Harold f. Abeles,Charles r. Hoffer,Robert h.klotman | Second edition | 2000 | 王紘筠 | 2019/8/20 | 出售中 |
 | Chemistry For CHANGING TIMES | 0132429845 | John w.hill ,Doris k.kolb | Pearson International Edition | 500 | Q寶穎穎 | 2018/9/17 | 出售中 |
 | General Organic and Biological Chemistry Second Edition | 978080532185 | Karen C. Timberlake | Prentice Hall; 2nd edition | 400 | Monica Cheng | 2018/8/22 | 出售中 |
 | Calculus | 9780071317979 | Hoffmann Bradley Sobecki Price | Mcgreaw-Hill International Edition | 650 | SUJI | 2018/7/30 | 出售中 |
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 | Calculus for Business,Ecobomics,and the Social and Life Sciences | 9780071106818 | Hoffmann | McGRAW‧HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 400 | windy | 2018/4/19 | 出售中 |
 | Theory of Interest (3rd Edition) | 9780071276276 | Stephen G. Kellison | McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 650 | 小薛 | 2018/4/11 | 出售中 |
 | Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach | 9781259060762 | William D. Perreault Jr., Joseph P. Cannon, E. Jerome McCarthy | McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 700 | 小薛 | 2018/3/12 | 出售中 |
 | Biological Science: International Edition 4/e | 9780321690845 | Scott Freeman | Pearson; 4 edition (2011) | 500 | Tiffany H | 2018/2/24 | 出售中 |
 | Barron's Lougheed TOEIC | 1397807641455 | Dr.Lin Lougheed | 5TH EDITION | 99 | Kay | 2018/1/11 | 出售中 |
 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 0395967171 | Larson Edwards | Fourth Edition | 95 | Pan | 2017/12/19 | 出售中 |
 | Eurobest: v. 4, Booth-Clibborn Editions | 1873968965 | Booth-Clibborn Editions, Edward Booth-Clibborn | Booth-Clibborn Editions | 300 | 睡睡王國 | 2017/8/21 | 出售中 |
 | political science an introduction tenth edition | 9780132365420 | Michael G.Roskin/Robert L.Cord/James A.Medeiros/Walter S.Jones | pearson international edition | 350 | Hsiao ting | 2017/3/26 | 出售中 |
 | Statistics for Managers: Using Microsoft Excel 7/E 2014 (Global Edition) | 9780273787112 | Levine/Stephan/Szabat | Global Edition | 550 | 韓寒 | 2017/3/8 | 出售中 |
 | Statistics for Managers: Using Microsoft Excel 7/E 2014 (Global Edition) | 9780273787112 | Levine/Stephan/Szabat | Global Edition | 600 | juhan | 2017/3/8 | 出售中 |