照片 | 書名(依此欄排序) | ISBN (依此欄排序) | 作者 (依此欄排序) | 出版商 | 欲售價 (依此欄排序) | 賣家名稱 | 刊登日 | 狀態 (依此欄排序) |
 | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2/e | 0929306406 | Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Anderson-Freed | Silicon Press | 300 | 皮爾 | 2023/10/30 | 出售中 |
 | 基礎資料結構使用c 第二版 Fundamentals of Data Structures in C | 9789868359703 | Ellis Horowitz Sartaj Sahni Dinesh P. Mehta著 戴顯權 譯 | 開發圖書公司 | 635 | 小薛 | 2018/12/4 | 出售中 |
 | Theory of Interest (3rd Edition) | 9780071276276 | Stephen G. Kellison | McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 650 | 小薛 | 2018/4/11 | 出售中 |
 | Theory of Interest (3rd Edition) | 9780071276276 | Stephen G. Kellison | McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 600 | Jo | 2016/3/16 | 出售中 |
 | Fundamentals of data structures in c | 0716782502 | Horowitz, Ellis/ Sahni, Sartaj | W.H.Freeman | 400 | 徐雅 | 2015/9/29 | 出售中 |
 | First Impact | 9789620013553 | Rod Ellis/ Marc Helgesen/ Charles Browne/ Greta Gorsuch/ Jerome Schwab | PEARSON Longman | 300 | 筑筑 | 2013/3/9 | 出售中 |
 | 量表編制理論與應用 | 9789571159638 | Robert F.DeVellis | 五南 | 150 | yiyi | 2012/9/19 | 出售中 |
 | fundamentals of data structures in c++ | 0716782928 | Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh Mehta | Silicon Press | 550 | 郭彥麟 | 2012/1/15 | 出售中 |
 | First Impact | 9620013557 | Rod Ellis,Marc Helgesen,Charles Browne... | LONGMAN | 200 | 小妞 | 2011/10/27 | 出售中 |
 | Fundamentals of data structures in c | 0716782502 | Horowitz, Ellis/ Sahni, Sartaj | W.H.Freeman | 300 | 書宅 | 2011/9/18 | 出售中 |
廣告 |
 | First Impact | 9789620013553 | Rod Ellis/ Marc Helgesen/ Charles Browne/ Greta Gorsuch/ Jerome Schwab | PEARSON Longman | 200 | MayTang | 2011/7/19 | 出售中 |
無圖 | 【夢書/書之戀】 基礎資料結構─使用 C (Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2/e)》 | 9868359716 | ELLIS HOROWITZ | KF│ELLIS HOROWITZ | 599 | dream1985 | 2011/3/15 | 出售中 |
 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry | 0030989663 | Robert Ellis | SPCK Publishing | 450 | 千惠 | 2010/8/15 | 出售中 |
 | Fundamentals of data structures in c | 0716782502 | Horowitz, Ellis/ Sahni, Sartaj | W.H.Freeman | 350 | permanent | 2010/8/7 | 出售中 |
 | fundamentals of data structures in c++ | 0716782928 | Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh Mehta | Silicon Press | 450 | 龍1 | 2023/6/10 | 已下架 |
 | 教育心理學--學習者的發展與成長(第六版) | 9789866828904 | Jeanne Ellis Ormrod | 洪葉文化事業有限公司 | 340 | 好咳 | 2019/4/22 | 已下架 |
 | Theory of Interest (3rd Edition) | 9780071276276 | Stephen G. Kellison | McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 550 | 于玲 | 2017/9/21 | 已下架 |
 | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, 2/e (Paperback) | 9780929306377 | Ellis Horowitz | Silicon Press | 1000 | Vivvam | 2017/8/18 | 已下架 |
 | First Impact | 9789620013553 | Rod Ellis/ Marc Helgesen/ Charles Browne/ Greta Gorsuch/ Jerome Schwab | PEARSON Longman | 100 | @_@ | 2016/3/20 | 已下架 |
 | Theory of Interest (3rd Edition) | 9780071276276 | Stephen G. Kellison | McGRAW-HILL INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 650 | 小薛 | 2016/3/1 | 已下架 |